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Blockchain Cryptoart meets real world art.

30 years ago publicist and artist Marita Vollborn started an unique project, after she had protested as young student 2 years before in East Berlin against the former SED regime: She made fotos of the young, reunified Germany - freezing the spirit of an era which reshaped Europe, and the world.

Since 1992 Marita and Vlad, who met as students, live together and grew up their three children in this new world. They founded the X-Press Journalistenbüro. And continued to take daily life photos in the "Neue Bundesländer", the new federal states in Germany. Read what they say today:

"Unlike politics and media often reported, we found not only enthusiasm or hope. We saw people full of Angst, people who shifted from super-communism to super-capitalism and simply people who did not know what the future would offer.

This unique collection of black and white photos have never been published by us. We wrote 10 non- fictional books, 2 of them became bestsellers, 4 belong to the inventary of the US Library of Congress and of the German Bundestag. We had the honor, and pleasure, to publish our books at houses such as Campus, S.Fischer, Lübbe and Carls Hanse - but allways kept our pictures hidden.

The spirit of the time became reality not only in photos. Marita started her sculpture art project Sinn und Scherben (Sense and Sherds) in 2011, creating 50 masterpieces in clay, as a reminder that time may pass, but not change everything. Hope and fear, side by side, melted in sculptures and photos.

The rise of NFT art and the technology behind let us decide to publish a large part of the collection on OpenSea. Under the pseudonym TexTeam we created the collections ZEITGEIST91 and SINN UND SCHERBEN.

Based on the real world, physical existing photos and sulptures, we created NFT artworks which can be seen by anyone. However, our goal was not to simply sell NFTs - our dream is to make a real world exhibition with Maritas photos, sculptures and the NFTs created from them become reality.

Such a cross technology - cross media art exhibition not only would make the frozen spirit of the past visible to a large audience of the present. It would be a reminder that human values never get lost, that at the end of the anyones journey hope can and will prevail.

Therefore any sponsor who whishes to join our journey is welcome. Maritas 50 sculptures made of clay need to be transformed and scaled up to bronze, a costly process. The ZEITGEIST91 original photos have to be enlarged to suitable formats for the planned real world exhibition. And the exhibition itself has to be planned, designed, and managed by people who are specialized in this field - by a team we have to find with our coming sponsor and partner".

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